Definition: acute diffuse inflammatory lung injury, leading to increased pulmonary vascular permeability, increased lung weight, and loss of aerated lung tissue with hypoxemia and bilateral radiographic opacities, associated with reduced lung compliance
Inflammatory response is usually neutrophil predominant
Accounts for 10% of all ICU admissions; 25% of mechanically ventilated patients
40% of patients w/ ARDS died in the hospital
Clinical Recognition of ARDS
51.3% recognized mild ARDS
78.5% recognized severe ARDS
Lack of recognition a/w use of lung destructive ventilation (excessive tidal volume, low PEEP)
Etiology & Pathogenesis
Common causes
Pulmonary infection
Aspiration injury
Inhalation injury
Lung contusion
Re-expansion injury
Pulmonary embolism
Non-pulmonary trauma
Transfusion-related lung injury (TRALI)
Acute pancreatitis
Three Distinct Phases
Exudative (Inflammatory) Phase (Acute Phase)
Sloughing of both the bronchial and alveolar epithelial cells + formation of protein-rich hyaline membranes on the denuded basement membrane
Neutrophils adhere to injured capillary endothelium → marginate through the interstitium into the air space (filled with protein-rich edema fluid)
In the air space, alveolar macrophages → cytokines (IL-1, 6, 8, 10) & TNF-α → stimulate chemotaxis and activate neutrophils
IL-1 → stimulate the production of extracellular matrix by fibroblasts
Protein-rich edema fluid into alveolus → inactivation of surfactant
Ware & Matthay N Engl J Med 2000; 342:1334-1349
Also get abnormalities of the coagulation system leading to platelet-fibrin thrombi in small vessels and impaired fibrinolysis within the distal air spaces of the injured lung
Resolution of ARDS consists of Proliferative Phase or Fibrotic Phase
Ware & Matthay N Engl J Med 2000; 342:1334-1349
Proliferative Phase
Resolution of alveolar edema
Active transport of sodium & chloride with ENaC at the apical membrane of the Type II cells (lumen side) where it then goes to the basolateral membrane and is pumped out by Na+/K+-ATPase
This allows water to move through aquaporins on Type I cells
Clearance of alveolar fluid can occur early and within a few hours of intubation.
Maintenance of the ability to remove alveolar fluid → improved oxygenation, shorter mechanical ventilation duration, and improved survival
Removal of alveolar protein & inflammatory cells
Insoluble protein removal is important because hyaline membranes are a framework for growth of fibrous tissue
Removed by endocytosis and transcytosis by alveolar epithelial cells and phagocytosis by macrophages
Soluble protein removal by diffusion between alveolar epithelial cells
Apoptosis of neutrophils → phagocytosis by macrophages
Restoration of alveolar architecture
Type II cell = progenitor for reepithelialization of the denuded alveolar epithelium
Type II cell → proliferation → cover the denuded basement membrane → differentiate into Type I cells → restoration of normal alveolar architecture
Fibrotic Phase
Fibrosing alveolitis
Begins early in the course
Influence of IL-1
Elevated levels of procollagen III peptide which is a precursor of collagen synthesis
associated with increased risk of death
Inflammatory response with alveolar edema and protein-rich fluid causes decreased pulmonary compliance → impaired gas exchange → pulmonary hypertension → Increased RV afterload → RV Dysfunction
Mechanical ventilation + Fluid overload → further increase in RV dysfunction + worsening V/Q mismatch → loss of hypoxic vasoconstriction → refractory hypoxia
In patients who are obese, they will have a larger pleural pressure (i.e. back pressure) so seeing higher plateau pressure may be okay in that population as their transalveolar pressure would be similar to a non-obese patient
Obese patients had a lower mortality with higher PEEP and non-obese patients trend for higher mortality with high PEEP
Pressure vs Volume Targeted Ventilation in ARDS
No large, randomized control trials regarding pressure vs volume targeted ventilation in ARDS
Too much increase can cause normally aerated lungs to overdistend → dead space ventilation
Moderate to Severe ARDS: Higher rather than lower PEEP
Lower ICU death, lower hospital death, no difference in pneumothorax, higher number of ventilator-free days
Mild ARDS: No statistically significant difference in ICU death, hospital death, pneumothorax or ventilator-free days in higher PEEP vs lower PEEP
Consider impact of PEEP on oxygenation, ventilation, oxygen delivery, risk of barotrauma (pneumomediastinum), extra-pulmonary pressure
Positive effects of a PEEP Trial (increasing PEEP)
Better oxygenation
Better ventilation/compliance/recruitment
In pressure control ventilation, as you increase PEEP, you should see
decrease in or no change in PaCO₂ OR
increase in or no change in tidal volume
In volume control ventilation, as you increase PEEP, you should see
proportional increase in plateau pressure
Increase in plateau pressure > increase in PEEP => overdistension
Indirect evidence that you do not have a worsening of your DO₂
Worsening DO₂ if you see decrease in cardiac output, blood pressure and mixed venous O2 as you increase PEEP
Stress index < 1
Strategies to determine the ideal settings include plotting compliance curves and using esophageal balloons to determine true transpulmonary pressure especially in the setting of poor chest wall compliance
Lung Destructive Ventilation
Ventilator-Induced Lung Injury
Overdistension of alveoli → increased dead space ventilation
Shear stress of cyclic collapse-recruitment of alveoli
Lung stretching causes systemic release of inflammatory cells and mediators
Resulting in pneumothorax
High-Flow Nasal Oxygen
Constant FiO₂ during peak inspiratory flow
Adjust FiO₂ and flow separately
Low level CPAP
Increased end-expiratory pressure compensation
Reduced work of breathing via intrinsic PEEP (1 cm H₂O/10 LPM flow) and pharyngeal dead space gas washout
Gases warmed and humidified
improved comfort, drainage of respiratory secretions, reduced airway inflammation
Data -- Ferreyro et al JAMA 2020
Noninvasive oxygenation strategies were associated with lower all-cause mortality and lower likelihood of intubation
High-Flow Nasal Oxygen > NIPPV
More ventilator-free days, higher probability of survival and less likely to be intubated if P/F ratio ≤ 200
Non-Ventilatory Management of Oxygenation & Ventilation
Fluid balance
Wiedemann et al 2006 -- RCT comparing conservative and liberal strategies for fluid management using explicit protocols applied for 7 days in 1000 patients with ARDS
No significant difference in mortality but more ventilator-free days, and ICU-free days in the conservative group; however more electrolyte abnormalities in the conservative group with no statistical difference in necessity of renal replacement therapy
Essentially keep intake = output, i.e. net even
If patient is hypoproteinemic, consider albumin + diuretic
Patients with ARDS and serum protein < 5 mg/dL → give albumin + furosemide
better oxygenation
more effective fluid removal
better hemodynamic tolerance
Still controversial due to many small studies that are under-powered and with flawed designs
Meta-analysis shows lower hospital mortality, more ventilator-free days, but more hypoglycemia
underlying data is skewed though
Prone positioning
Improves oxygenation in 70% of patients
Increased end-expiratory lung volume
Improved V/Q matching
allowing posterior lung that have been atelectatic or consolidated to participate in gas exchange
in supine position, the anterior lung zones are the path of least resistance so air travels to that portion
Regional changes in ventilation
Improved oxygenation when the patient is put back in supine position, gradually
When placed supine from prone, the PaO₂ drops but doesn't drop as much
In severe ARDS, proning is associated with lower 28 day mortality or 90 day mortality, more extubations at 90 days, more ventilator-free days and no difference in complications; >16 hours per day proning
Severe COVID-19
High-Flow Nasal Oxygen
Sufficient PEEP to avoid de-recruitment
Remdesivir, dexamethasone, anticoagulation
Life-Threatening/Severe Hypoxemia
Higher PEEP
Recruitment maneuvers
Higher mean airway pressure → longer inspiratory time; ? APRV
Longer inspiratory time
Easily accomplished with pressure targeted modes
Pressure controlled inverse ratio ventilation (PC-IRV)
No spontaneous breaths
BiLevel/APRV permits spontaneous breaths
Limited outcome data for APRV in ARDS
Concerns: Auto-PEEP & tidal volume creep
Proposed as a form of lung protective strategy
Active inspiratory and expiratory phases; tidal volumes < dead space
HFOV for severe ARDS → higher mortality, more sedation, vasopressors in one study
no difference in ICU hospital length of stay or ventilator-free days in another study
Recommendation: Do not use for moderate or severe ARDS
Neuromuscular blockade
Used for 48 hours in severe ARDS
Lower 28 day mortality, more ventilator-free days, fewer pneumothoraces
However, a lot of crossover amongst the two groups in this study
No difference in rate of ICU-acquired paresis or muscle strength scores
Intervention group had more serious cardiovascular adverse events
Prone position
Inhaled pulmonary vasodilator
Inhaled nitric oxide
Endogenous pulmonary vasodilator
increases blood flow to functional alveoli → improvement in oxygenation
Rapidly inactivated by combining with hemoglobin and by oxidation
Inhalation of 2-40 ppm produces selective dilation of pulmonary vessels → offloads the RV
Increased RV ejection fraction
Decreased RV end diastolic volume
No outcome benefit in terms of survival, ICU-LOS, time of mechanical ventilation
Oxygenation benefit for up to 4 days
No methemoglobin or increase in systemic nitric oxide unless 80 ppm
VV-ECMO -- blood removed and pumped through oxygenator and returned to circulation; no cardiac support
Large vascular canula, anticoagulation and infection risk
Peek et al Lancet 2009
Large RCT in UK demonstrated lower mortality when transferred to an ECMO center
But only 76% randomized to ECMO actually got ECMO
Nehra et al Arch Surg 2009
Better outcomes in young patient, single organ failure, early initiation (MGH experience)
Combes et al NEJM 2018
Trended for higher survival at 60 days however not statistically significant
More bleeding and thrombocytopenia but less ischemic stroke
Longer hospital length of stay but less proning, recruitment and inhaled nitric oxide