present at the level of the larynx due to direct trauma from ETT followed by scar formation or more commonly at the level of the ETT cuff (pressure effect of the cuff on the tracheal mucosa impairing perfusion → ischemic injury → scar formation)
Due to this cuff pressure, those with prolonged intubation, you can tolerate a minimum leak to maintain the lowest possible pressure in the cuff
Treatment -- balloon dilation, stunting, laser resection +/- mitomycin C and/or steroids to prevent regrowth of scar tissue → all done by bronch
If bronch fails → surgery
Variable CAO
Intrathoracic Variable CAO
Truncation of expiratory limb and preservation of inspiratory flow pattern
Etiology: Tracheomalacia
Extrathoracic Variable CAO
Truncation of inspiratory limb and preservation of expiratory flow pattern